Wednesday, March 12, 2008

3rd in the World

Rumbanana, the Corvallis based Salsa group that pretty much is the greatest thing since sliced bread, just returned from the World Rueda de Casino Championships in Munich. Because when you think salsa dancing, the first place that leaps to your mind is obviously Germany.

They took third place, which is awesome, seeing as it's the world championship. They also thankfully took some sweet videos of their performances.

Rumbanana in the first round.

Rumbanana in the 2nd round.

Rumbanana in the finals.

Congrats to everyone who competed. Coming off their second place showing at the World Salsa championships at Miami six months ago, Rumbanana is really cementing itself as a premier dance group.
There's going to be a celebration at Platinum on the 14th. If you're in Oregon, be there. It's gonna be a great way to blow of some steam prior to finals.

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